Despite all the advantages that sessions offer, the disadvantages should not be completely ignored.

Rheinwerk Computing is an imprint of Rheinwerk Publishing and publishes books by leading experts in the fields of programming, administration, security, analytics, and more.
Blogs by Rheinwerk Computing
In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the architectural style known as microservices has emerged as a revolutionary approach to...
Cryptography is categorized based on the symmetry of the encryption key and encryption-decryption algorithms.
Before you build your own blockchain, let’s clarify what information is needed in the blocks. To do this, create a models/ file and start...
To make your intended result clear to Kubernetes, you need a language in which you can specify your resources declaratively.
When you present a screen flow for evaluation by a group of users, most people will have a tough time imagining how using the tool will feel to them...
We work in Spring Boot with SLF4J, but not with the application programming interface (API) of the actual logging provider.
Before you downsize the Windows partition or decide in the installation program on the optimal size of the new partitions for Linux, you should know...
Along with self-healing, horizontal scaling is one of the best features of Kubernetes that significantly simplifies IT operations.
The main purpose of cryptography is to meet one or more of these security principles: confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and nonrepudiation.
Curious about C++ compilers? Find out how GCC, Clang++, and MSVC stack up for modern development and what makes each one unique!