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How to Manage User Sessions in PHP Securely

Despite all the advantages that sessions offer, the disadvantages should not be completely ignored.

Rheinwerk Computing
Rheinwerk Computing

Rheinwerk Computing is an imprint of Rheinwerk Publishing and publishes books by leading experts in the fields of programming, administration, security, analytics, and more.

Blogs by Rheinwerk Computing


The Proxy Pattern in Spring

What can be vividly explained using rings, we want to translate into the world of software engineering with a sequence diagram.


How to Use React's Context API for State Management

The Context API allows you to access centrally stored information independently of the component hierarchy and without passing the information to...


HTML Metadata: Boost Your Site’s Visibility and Usability

The meta element allows you to write additional information or data about the HTML document in the head section between <head> and </head>.


Implementing VPNs Using IPS

Want to keep your data safe? Here’s how VPNs and IPsec have your back!


Getting Started with Amazon ECS: Simplifying Docker Container Management in the Cloud

Discover how Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) streamlines the deployment and management of Docker containers in the cloud, offering scalability...

How To

How to Reward Miners of Your Own Blockchain

So you’ve created your own blockchain, but how do you reward miner’s for mining blocks?


What Is Containerization in Modern Software Development?

The software development landscape has seen numerous technological advancements over the past few decades.

Programming Languages

What Are the Individual Program Elements of C++?

In this blog post, we’ll briefly explain the individual program elements of C++ so that you have the basic knowledge necessary to start coding with...

Programming Languages

How to Find and Avoid Errors in JavaScript Programs

During the development of any program (including JavaScript programs), you’ll make the odd mistake. This is normal and part of everyday life when you...


Regular Expressions in Python Programming

Let’s provide insight into the extensive possibilities of regular expressions for Python.