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What Is the Reducer Hook in React?

The reducer hook in React works like the state hook, with the difference that you do not manipulate the state directly via a setter function but use the dispatch function to dispatch

Rheinwerk Computing
Rheinwerk Computing

Rheinwerk Computing is an imprint of Rheinwerk Publishing and publishes books by leading experts in the fields of programming, administration, security, analytics, and more.

Blogs by Rheinwerk Computing


CSS in JavaScript Using Emotion

Emotion is a library for CSS-in-JS, an approach where you make style specifications in JavaScript code.

What Is?

What Is Generative AI?

In the realm of artificial intelligence, one of the most fascinating and rapidly evolving areas is generative AI.

What Is?

What Is the Newer Alternate Box Model of CSS?

Not everyone will like the classic box model of CSS, where you specify width to determine the width of the content area and end up having to consider...


How to Encrypt a Hard Drive

How can you defend yourself against physical attacks on your hard drives?

Programming Languages

How to Install Bash

In this blog post, we’ll teach you have to install Bash on your system.


How to Perform Matrix Multiplication with Python

Matrix multiplication is needed, for example, in the calculation of electrical networks. Python can perform these multiplications for you.

Web Development

A/B Testing in Design Projects

A/B testing is a unique form of usability and UX testing in which at least two solution variants are compared. This testing can be conducted either...

What Is?

What Is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL has been holding its own in the open-source database market for many years. With features that usually only very expensive enterprise...


Regression Analysis with Python

A regression analysis is a statistical analysis method that examines the relationships between two variables.


The Stream API in Java Programming

Together with lambda expressions on the language side, an entire new library was implemented in Java 8 that makes processing datasets easy called the