Programming Languages

How to Manage User Sessions in PHP Securely

Despite all the advantages that sessions offer, the disadvantages should not be completely ignored.

Understanding SQL Indexes: How They Speed Up Queries

An index in SQLis actually not a database key type, but keys and indexes are loosely related concepts, so we’ll cover them in this post.

What Is NW.js?

Explore how NW.js empowers web developers to create cross-platform desktop applications using just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—bridging the gap between...

How to Create a Custom Component Library in React

To create your own React component library, you need to perform several steps.

How to Compile Node.js from Source: A Step-by-Step Guide for Ubuntu

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to operate Node.js not by using binary packages or by installing it using an installer for your system, but by...

Understanding React's useCallback and useMemo Hooks

The callback hook in React is intended to optimize the rendering process, and the memo hook is used to create a memoized version of any object...

How to Install XAMPP for JavaScript

This blog post describes the installation of XAMPP and then provides a list of keywords in the JavaScript language.

Getting Started with Coding Via AI Tools Like ChatGPT [5 Real-Life Examples]

Chat systems such as ChatGPT provide the most intuitive introduction to AI-supported coding. When we wrote this post, there were various free systems...

What Is RAII in C++?

Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) means that when creating an object—a resource—its initialization is also done.

How to Create a Snake Game with Java

In this blog post, you'll learn how to create a Snake game with the Java language.