Programming Languages

What Are the Different C++ Compilers?

Curious about C++ compilers? Find out how GCC, Clang++, and MSVC stack up for modern development and what makes each one unique!

How to Create a Custom Component Library in React

To create your own React component library, you need to perform several steps.

What Are the Individual Program Elements of C++?

In this blog post, we’ll briefly explain the individual program elements of C++ so that you have the basic knowledge necessary to start coding with...

How to Find and Avoid Errors in JavaScript Programs

During the development of any program (including JavaScript programs), you’ll make the odd mistake. This is normal and part of everyday life when you...

What Is YAML and How Is It Used with Kubernetes?

To make your intended result clear to Kubernetes, you need a language in which you can specify your resources declaratively.

Functions and Parameters in PowerShell

Functions provide the option to bundle multiple PowerShell commands, which facilitates organizing extensive scripts. In its simplest form, a function...

How to Run Scripts Automatically with cron

cron is a background program that runs on almost every Linux server.

Basic Rules for Bash Scripts

Bash scripts must start with the line #!/bin/bash.

Introduction to Web Scraping with Python

In the modern digital age, data is a valuable asset: Information from websites can be pivotal for businesses, researchers, and developers.

What Is the Spring Expression Language (SpEL)?

In Spring, the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) provides a powerful syntax for querying and manipulating objects at runtime.