Featured (2)

How to Install and Configure Fail2ban

Fail2ban is a program that monitors logging files where programs log failed login

What Is RAII in C++?

Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) means that when creating an object—a resource—its initialization is also done.

How to Create a Snake Game with Java

In this blog post, you'll learn how to create a Snake game with the Java language.

How Is Scripting Different from Programming?

Scripting allows you to automate repetitive tasks, connect different software tools, and quickly solve small problems with minimal code.

Database Normalization: A Step-by-Step Guide to First, Second, and Third Normal Forms

Normalization is actually not a component of relational databases, but it’s so common and prevalent that it’s as inseparable from relational...

HTML Headings Done Right: How to Organize Content with h1 to h6

Properly structured HTML headings not only improve readability but also enhance accessibility and SEO—learn how to use <h1> to <h6> correctly in this...

How to "Do" UX Design: A Guide to the ISO 9241-210 Standard

Probably the oldest and most widely used process in the usability and UX world comes from an International Organization for Standardization (ISO)...

Master Python Loops in Minutes

Loops are essential for efficient coding in Python—learn how to master while and for loops in just minutes!

Is Jenkins Still the Right Tool for DevOps?

Jenkins has long been a staple in CI/CD, but as DevOps evolves, is it still the right tool for the job?

What Are Callback Functions in JavaScript Programming?

The reference to a function in JavaScript can be transferred to another function for internal use.