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Basic Principles of Android and iOS Security

In this blog post, we’ll cover the essential security features that the Android and iOS platforms come with out of the box.

What Is YAML and How Is It Used with Kubernetes?

To make your intended result clear to Kubernetes, you need a language in which you can specify your resources declaratively.

What Is a Click Dummy in Web Design?

When you present a screen flow for evaluation by a group of users, most people will have a tough time imagining how using the tool will feel to them...

Logging Implementation in Spring

We work in Spring Boot with SLF4J, but not with the application programming interface (API) of the actual logging provider.

Partitioning Basics for New Linux Users

Before you downsize the Windows partition or decide in the installation program on the optimal size of the new partitions for Linux, you should know...

How to Synchronize Scripting Directories to External Storage

You probably use the cloud as a backup storage in some way or other, right?

What Is OAuth?

In today’s digital landscape, secure authentication is a critical aspect of application development.

How Do Classical Cryptography and Modern Cryptography Differ?

Cryptography, just like the automobile industry, has undergone huge advancements over the years.

How to Use Semantic HTML

You may be wondering how you can create a basic web page with HTML elements so that it makes sense semantically.

What Is MySQL?

MySQL is a complex database management system. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to MySQL through some simple programs.