The functions of the random module in Python are sufficient for the random values of a game.
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Python and JSON together form a dream team. To process JSON documents, you must import the json module. This module comes with Python by default and...
Object-oriented programming is based on four essential principles.
With Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub in June 2018, it once again became clear that cloud services and thus also the data stored there can quickly...
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way developers deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a special multilayer network consisting of a detection part and an identification part.
In the modern digital age, data is a valuable asset: Information from websites can be pivotal for businesses, researchers, and developers.
Using CSS can make your web development life easier. In this blog post, we present a little guide on how to write the most efficient and simple CSS...
In this blog post, we’ll describe a Docker setup in which Grafana works with a database and a collector.
In Spring, the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) provides a powerful syntax for querying and manipulating objects at runtime.
What Is the International Software Architecture Qualification Board and Its Certifications?
Software architecture is an extremely young discipline, and, despite many publications on the subject, various opinions still exist regarding its...