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How to Install Bash

In this blog post, we’ll teach you have to install Bash on your system.

Rheinwerk Computing
Rheinwerk Computing

Rheinwerk Computing is an imprint of Rheinwerk Publishing and publishes books by leading experts in the fields of programming, administration, security, analytics, and more.

Blogs by Rheinwerk Computing


The Differences Between Git, GitHub, and GitLab

Git is an open-source version control program used by DevOps teams to handle small and large software development projects.


How to Clone a Git Repository

When it’s time to set up a cloned repository in your GitHub account, you’ll need to follow these steps.


Working with Arrays in Java

An array in Java is a special data type that combines several values into one unit, like a display case in which the compartments are numbered...

What Is?

What Is the Basic Structure of a Python Program?

To give you a feel for the Python language, let’s go over its syntax.

Software Development

How Did Node.js Come About?

To help you better understand what Node.js is and how some of its development decisions came about, let's explore the history of the platform.

Programming Languages

How to Debug a JavaScript Program

One of the aha! moments that contribute significantly to the understanding of programming is the use of a debugger.


Getting Started with JavaScript

The JavaScript language, originally called Mocha and then LiveScript, was introduced in 1995 by Brendan Eich, who designed it for a now-outdated...

Programming Languages

What Is Asynchronous JavaScript?

JavaScript is by nature a synchronous language, which means functions are executed in the order they were written, or more simply put, functions can...