
Exploring JSON and Python

Python and JSON together form a dream team. To process JSON documents, you must import the json module. This module comes with Python by default and does not need to be installed separately.


The module provides the following functions:

  • load(filehandle): This function reads a text file previously opened via open and returns the JSON data it contains as Python dictionaries and lists.
  • loads(str): In the sense of load string, this function expects the JSON document in the string passed as parameter.
  • dump(obj, filehandle): This function stores the Python object passed in the first parameter as a JSON string in the specified file. Some additional parameters allow you to influence the resulting JSON document. indent=2 specifies the desired indentation depth per nesting level. ensure_ascii=False ensures the correct processing of UTF-8 characters.
  • dumps(obj): This function works like dump but returns the JSON document as a string.

The following listing shows the application of these four methods:


# Sample file hello-json.py

import json


# read JSON file

with open('employees.json', 'r') as f:

   employees = json.load(f)


# process JSON string

txt = '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}'

data = json.loads(txt)


# analysis of the data

print(data['key2']) # Ausgabe: value2


# save Python object (list, dictionary) as JSON file

with open('otherfile.json', 'w') as f:

   json.dump(data, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)


# output JSON string

print(json.dumps(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))


Example: Collecting Birthdays

The starting point for the birthdays.py script is the employees.json file, which has the following structure:




       "FirstName": "Ruthanne",

       "LastName": "Ferguson",

       "DateOfBirth": "1977-06-04",


   }, ...



The birthdays.py script reads the JSON file and processes the employees in a loop. In this process, a dictionary is created. The key is the day and month of the birthday (e.g., 06-24). The actual entry contains a list of employee names whose birthday is on that day.


# Sample file birthdays.py

import json

with open('employees.json') as f:

   employees = json.load(f)


birthdates = {} # birthday dictionary

for employee in employees:

   # [5:] skips the first five characters, only month and day

   birthdate = employee['DateOfBirth'][5:]

   name = employee['FirstName'] + ' ' + employee['LastName']

   if birthdate in birthdates:

       # add name to existing list



       # create new dictionary entry with list

       birthdates[birthdate] = [name]


# test: all birthday children on 1/24

# output: ['Nannette Ramsey', 'Allena Hoorenman',

#          'Arden Lit', 'Duncan Noel']



Example: Determining Holidays

After free user registration on the https://calendarific.com website, you’ll receive an API key that allows you to determine the holidays and any other commemorative days imaginable for a given country and year, for example, with the following command:


$ curl 'https://calendarific.com/api/v2/holidays\?



The result is a JSON document that is structured in the following way:



   "meta": {

       "code": 200


   "response": {

        "holidays": [


               "name": "Name of holiday,

               "description": "Description of holiday,

               "date": {

                   "iso": "2023-12-31",

                   "datetime": { ... }


               "type": [ ... ]

           }, ...





Our sample holidays.py script expects two optional parameters: a country code and a year. If this information is missing, the script uses 'US' and the current year by default. The script then performs a request, analyzes the result, and returns the result in the following format:


$ ./holidays.py DE 2023

   Holidays for DE in 2023

   2023-01-01: New Year's Day

      New Year's Day, which is on January 1, ...

   2023-01-06: Epiphany

      Epiphany on January 6 is a public holiday in 3 German states

      and commemorates the Bible story of the Magi's visit to

      baby Jesus.



Limitations: The use of https://calendarific.com is free of charge after a simple registration form but is subject to various restrictions. Commercial use is allowed only upon payment of a monthly fee.


The script starts with the import of various modules and the initialization of the api_ key, country, and year variables. A loop analyzes all parameters passed to the script and overwrites year or country if necessary.


# Sample file holidays.py

import datetime, json, sys, urllib.request


# Please use your own key that you

# can obtain free of charge at https://calendarific.com.

api_key = "xxx"


# default settings

country = 'US'

year = datetime.datetime.now().year


# analyze script parameters, set year and country

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:

   if arg.isdigit():

       year = arg


       country = arg


print("Holidays for", country, "in", year)


For the web request, I used the urllib Python module, which is available by default, so it doesn't need to be installed using pip. The application of this module is rather cumbersome: First, you must create a Request object. Then, you’ll pass this object to the urlopen method and get a Response object. The read method of that object gives you the data returned by the server in binary format, which you finally convert to a UTF-8 string by using decode.


In my tests, I discovered that https://calendarific.com denies requests from Python. (A request executed using curl with the same URL, on the other hand, works.) Presumably the operators of Calendarific want you to use the python-calendarific module, but I wanted to avoid that for didactic reasons. Instead, I used the headers parameter to override the default header and thus outsmart Calendarific.


From the point of view of this chapter, the last few lines of the script are the most exciting ones. json.loads(txt) turns the JSON document into a Python object tree. data[ 'response']['holidays'] returns a list of holiday dictionaries, which are then evaluated in a loop. As you can see, once the hurdles of downloading are overcome, the JSON analysis is rather easy to perform.


# Sample file holidays.py

# perform web request

query = "https://calendarific.com/api/v2/


url = query % (api_key, country, year)

req = urllib.request.Request(url,

                             headers={"User-Agent": "curl"})

response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)

txt = response.read().decode("utf-8")


# analysis of JSON data

data = json.loads(txt)

for holiday in data['response']['holidays']:

   name = holiday['name']

   date = holiday['date']['iso']

   descr = holiday['description']

   print('%s: %s' % (date, name))

   print(' %s' % (descr))


requests instead of request: Instead of the request module, Python also has the requests module (with plural S). This module must be installed separately, but it is much more convenient to use.


Editor’s note: This post has been adapted from a section of the book Scripting: Automation with Bash, PowerShell, and Python by Michael Kofler.



Developers and admins, it’s time to simplify your workday. With this practical guide, use scripting to solve tedious IT problems with less effort and less code! Learn about popular scripting languages: Bash, PowerShell, and Python. Master important techniques such as working with Linux, cmdlets, regular expressions, JSON, SSH, Git, and more. Use scripts to automate different scenarios, from backups and image processing to virtual machine management. Discover what’s possible with only 10 lines of code!

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Rheinwerk Computing
by Rheinwerk Computing

Rheinwerk Computing is an imprint of Rheinwerk Publishing and publishes books by leading experts in the fields of programming, administration, security, analytics, and more.
