
Kernel Hardening for Linux

The kernel is responsible for the (innermost) basic functions of a Linux system.


It takes care of controlling the hardware, processing and managing the memory, and so on. Usually, the kernel is optimized to perform its tasks quickly and easily. From a security point of view, however, the basic settings aren’t always ideal.


In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to make the kernel more secure. For example, you can use an option to prevent users without root privileges from reading the entire process list and other internal kernel information. From a security point of view, such settings are quite recommendable. Note, however, that the measures are associated with functional limitations and are therefore not target-oriented in every case.


Basically, there are three ways to influence the behavior of the kernel:

  • Many options can be changed at runtime using the sysctl command. The /etc/ sysctl.conf file contains settings that should be activated when the computer starts.
  • Some options must already be passed as options when the kernel is started. In this case, the configuration is done through the /etc/default/grub
  • Finally, you have the option to configure the kernel behavior already when compiling the kernel. However, we won’t go into this variant here as it requires a manual recompilation of the kernel and is not suitable for everyday use. 

Changing Kernel Options Using sysctl

Many parameters of the kernel can be changed during operation via the /proc file system or much more elegantly by using the sysctl command. The first command reads the current state of kernel.kptr_restrict, while the second command changes it:


sysctl kernel.kptr_restrict


   kernel.kptr_restrict = 1


sysctl -w kernel.kptr_restrict=2


Note that you must not use any spaces before or after the equal sign (=) in the second command!


sysctl -a returns a list of all kernel parameters along with their current settings. (Currently there are about 1,000 such parameters!) You can use sysctl -p to activate the sysctl settings stored in a file. Usually /etc/sysctl.conf is used as the file name. With most distributions, this file is automatically evaluated at system startup.


The following listing shows some useful settings. The explanations given are simplified or shortened for reasons of space. In particular, the use of many functions doesn’t require root privileges as specified here, but only certain capabilities. Based on this mechanism, processes running without root privileges can still use selected functions with extended privileges (see


# access to kernel logging (dmesg command) only

# with root privileges



# use of the Extended Berkeley Packet Filter

# (sandboxing) only with root privileges




# prevents a kernel reboot at runtime



# kernel debugging only with root privileges



# debugging other processes only with root privileges



# prevents SYN flood attack



# disables the ping function



Further Reading: You can find useful descriptions of numerous sysctl options at


References with further options that can be changed for kernel hardening are provided at the following two pages:

Setting Kernel Boot Options in the GRUB Configuration

In RHEL, Ubuntu, and most other Linux distributions, the kernel is started via GRUB. This makes the Grand Unified Bootloader the first program to run after a server or virtual machine is powered on. GRUB searches for the Linux kernel file on the disk, loads the file into the memory, and executes it. On this occasion, GRUB can pass boot options to the kernel.


To change these options, you need to load the /etc/default/grub file into an editor and

modify the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line. At the end of this line, you can integrate your own

options. Some options are used without parameters, whereas others expect one or several

parameters (para=value1,v2,v3). Again, it’s important that you don’t insert any spaces around the parameters of an option!


Changes to /etc/default/grub take effect only if you first update the GRUB configuration derived from the default file and then restart the server. For this purpose, you want to run the following commands:


grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg      (RHEL & clones only)

update-grub                                 (Debian/Ubuntu only)

reboot                                      (always)


We only present two boot options here as examples. But of course there are many more of them. However, before you blindly follow instructions from the internet and change boot options, you should do thorough research to rule out any undesirable side effects:

  • debugfs=off disables a virtual file system with debugging data from the kernel.
  • randomize_kstack_offset=on causes the stack structures of system functions to be randomized and therefore harder to attack.

Editor’s note: This post has been adapted from a section of the book Hacking and Security: The Comprehensive Guide to Penetration Testing and Cybersecurity by Michael Kofler, Klaus Gebeshuber, Peter Kloep, Frank Neugebauer, André Zingsheim, Thomas Hackner, Markus Widl, Roland Aigner, Stefan Kania, Tobias Scheible, and Matthias Wübbeling.


Hacking and Security
Hacking and Security

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